Snapper Broadcast
Title: Come Join the Snapper
Writer: Dante S. McLeod
Length: 30 seconds
INT. Snapper office door is open.
Papers are laid out on tables and members are in the room.
Members are engaging in conversation and students walk by. Music is playing in the background.
Students stop to see what the commotion is about.
Members welcome the students in.
They explain to the students what the Snapper is about.
Students show interest and more students who see this come in and wonder how they can join.
So, here’s what we’re going to do this week. All the papers are laid out to serve as examples for help. Let's get to work everyone.
Hey! What’s this about?
Welcome to the Snapper ya’ll.
We are the student newspaper on campus. We provide weekly news about campus events and issues.
Wow! That’s dope. How do we sign up? Hey! Can we sign up too?